Monday, December 21, 2015


It's 21st.

It's been awhile since I talked to you, in a friendly and lovely way. Well, I'll just try to let bygones be bygones. Perhaps I'll do better in future.

But somehow I just couldn't remove you from my life. It just too hard. Well, I used to avoid you but somehow you popped out from nowhere. Why? You are making things to go harder. Maybe it's not hard for you but for me, it is.

Blergh. I keep talking about love. Guess that I should stop from finding the "true one" and should be the "true one" instead. Day by day, I'm getting tired to cope with those heartbreaks. I slowly dying inside, I just can't. Lol. It's funny. It's been 3 months and a week since we're together, aha. But the word "we" between us are no longer exist, right? You already found your replacement, right? Hope that she will never you for granted and embrace you for who you are. I hope she knows your flaws but still love you the same and I hope she won't be giving up on you. I hope she'll make you happy, just like how I tried so hard before. I hope she will be the best one for you. I hope. Deep inside, I'm hurting but I'm happy for your happiness. I hope it will last long. Please be as nice as you were back then when you're flirting me.

With my fully heart, I forgive you. You are no longer have anything for you to say sorry for. I wish the best for you and your future. I hope time will heal. I hope I can slowly forget you and live as another normal human being. I love you, and I will always do.

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